Rhino 12 GA Elite Set

(11 customer reviews)


Our Rhino Elite Series sets have been strategically designed to give shooters the best performing constrictions on the market.

What’s Included:
Every Elite Series set comes with a hard sided choke case.

Gun Maker *

Krieghoff System *

We now have the Krieghoff Choke System for Parcours.
Please call us at 800-226-3613 to discuss pricing and options.

Kolar System *

Beretta System *

Browning System *

Perazzi System *

Rizzini *

Benelli System *

Fabarm System *

Bettinsoli *

Yildiz *

Fausti *

Remington *


CZ *

Discipline *

Want to expand your Elite Set now at the discounted price per choke?

Regularly $110 each, Discounted to $100 with Elite Set

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11 reviews for Rhino 12 GA Elite Set

  1. Kevin Killingsworth

    Awesome chokes! I have the Elite Series for my Beretta A400 and my Blaser F3.
    Patterns great, cleans easily and the 3 choke system simplifies the choke decision making process. The .007 will break targets way farther than you would expect and the .022 will break targets way past my consistent ability!

  2. Matthew Lorio

    This new elite series is a game changer. Matches are won with one target in most cases and these Rhino Elite Tubes pattern awesome super consistent, look amazing and will help you pick up that extra target!!
    If it’s not a Rhino it doesn’t go in my Gun!!! They are also amazing for hunting applications…….it’s going to be a great duck season with Rhino!!!

  3. Weaver T Jackson

    Cory Kruse recommended the Gen 2 17 has become my go to choke and I seldom change, only changing when I have a Rabbit on the ground inside 25 to 30 yards. The Gen 2-17 has become my confidence choke leaving me with the additional time to study the targets.

  4. Craig Salcido

    Awesome!! ran the Elite .017 in both barrels on my Browning 725 this last weekend on a sporting course and picked a few birds , also had a .017 Elite in my A400 loaner gun and every one that shot it was impressed. I cant wait to try them on 5 stand.

  5. Shannon “Buck”Lyons

    Royce Murphy and Kevin Ray Killingsworth recommended these chokes to me. They are awesome ! So are chokes!

  6. Charles Sherwood Defender Outdoors Clay Sports Ranch

    I came by Rhino by accident and divine intervention. They have improved my overall performance by their excellent design and tight pattern. I have recommended these chokes to everyone who shoots out at the Ranch and several have made the switch to Rhino. I am about to upgrade my shotgun therefore I will buying more chokes from this outstanding company. Keep up the great work guys.

  7. Donnie Ray

    Like “Buck” who’s review is above, the same two shooters recommend Rhino chokes to me as well. Rhino makes excellent chokes!!! Mr Murphy and Kevin Ray Killingworth Top Tier shooters for sure. They allow us to shoot with them every once in a while. Only if I will clean their guns!!!!

  8. joe patterson

    My son Jordan tested one of the chokes at the SCTP Nationals. Jordan ran his first 100 in trap and his friend Quaid went from a personal best of 87 to rock a 99 in trap These chokes are Great!!!!!!

  9. Steven John

    I purchased the Elite Three set several months ago for my new Beretta DT11 and I am impressed with their performance. They have improved my confidence and I am shooting better scores.
    Chokes do matter.

  10. Steve John

    I have patterned my new Rhino Elite chokes against many other respectable brands and my Rhino meets or exceeds the patterns of other competitors. My new Rhino Chokes has provided me with a lot more confidence.

  11. Charlie Brambrink

    I bought a pair of .022s for my SKB in August after using factory chokes and absolutely love them. I love that they’re between common constrictions (I was shooting IMs).They work great for trap and for sporting clays

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